Friday, 30 August 2013

Best hair iron/straightener? (Bio Ionic One Pass review)

   About 2 years ago, when my Rowenta straightener broke, I was reading many reviews to find out which straightener is the best. After a few weeks of research I decided and I've never regret it. I chose Bio Ionic One Pass and here is my review of it.

   Asi před 2ma roky, kdy mi odešla moje žehlička na vlasy od Rowenty, jsem si pročítala různé diskuze, abych zjistila, která žehlička na vlasy je nejlepší. Trvalo několik týdnů, než jsem se nakonec rozhodla, ale své volby rozhodně nelituju. Vybrala jsem si Bio Ionic One Pass a tady je její malá recenze.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Can't hold us - Macklemore - my music video

Hey girls and guys! :)
   I wanna show you video I made, which is not very recent (I made it in May or June) but it's still actual, because of the song I used.
   It is the video for my school, as the 'practical exam' I had to make, so I chose a videoclip to the song of my choice. Even I usually listen to other kinds of music (such as indierock/alternative), I loved this song since the first time I heard it. It was full of energy and it has always put me in good mood, so I decided to use this song from Maclemore - Can't hold us. At that time there wasn't any official videoclip, so I was glad I couldn't get affected from anything and I made the video just like I felt it was right.

   Chtěla bych vám představit svoje video, které jsem natáčela jako praktickou maturitní práci. Ikdyž jsem ho odevzdávala někdy v květnu nebo v červnu, je to pořád docela aktuální kvůli písničce, kterou jsem použila.
   V té době, kdy jsem tento hudební videoklip natáčela ještě zmiňovaná písnička neměla svůj vlastní videoklip (teď už ano). Ta písnička se mi líbí, protože má v sobě spoustu energie a musím říct, že už ten výběr byl pro mě půlka úspěchu. Klip jsme natáčeli s přítelem, který mi hodně pomáhal. :)

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Boyfriend's shirt

      How are you?
      Today I'm gonna blog about myself a bit. Who am I? Let's say I'm a girl, who loves fashion, but  
   there are other things, too. That's probably why I stop blogging time to time, and then I continue
   again after few months or so. In that time I usually strongly focus on something different. I had quite a
   busy half-year - I did my final exams in my school and I did an exam for university, too. I passed! :)
   So since October I'm a fresh university student and I have to say I'm quite looking forward to it.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

My wardrobe


   Today I'm going to show you my wardrobe. I've recently sorted it out, but i still have a feeling there are some things I don't wear that much... :)

From the left:

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

How to sort out wardrobe


   I have been thinking about the topic I should write about, as I wanted it to be something useful for anyone. 
   So today's article is gonna be about sorting your clothes in the closet. It may seem easy, but it took me quite a while to do that. The thing is, I always buy new clothes, but I 'only' have one wardrobe - that means that by the time I have to put some of my clothes away - which is quite hard, because I'm always thinking "What if I'll ever need this thing?"