Tuesday, 31 May 2011

My favourite shops in UK

Hey, hi, hello :)
   As I'm leaving England really soon and making some evaluations of my whole year, I must not forget about shopping. Hell yeah, it has been one of the most important things for this year. Not that I wouldn't love shopping before, but here... I got almost on the pro-level ;D
   As my budget is not really low, but still on the student's level (and this is probably the target group as well, because I believe most of my readers is young and still studying), I'll pick the stores where you can get some very pretty, but affordable clothes. Let's start from the most favourite.

TOP 3:

1. New Look
   Perfect store for me. They always have what's in, in a reasonable quality and price. They've often got sales. Their clothes lasts for quite long and looks well even after several washings. Plus - they've got an online store as well. 10% discount with student card.

2. Peacocs
   Another shop I really like. Prices and quality is very similar to New Look, but the style is a bit different. They've also got a stylish clothes, but it's more like trends which will last for a longer period. Hope you get what I mean - it's not a store for fashion victims, but that's what I like about it. They've got shop online, too. 10% discount with student card.

3. Primark
   The legend of low-budget shopping. Even the prices aren't that good as I heard they used to be (tshirt for a pound etc.), it's still very reasonable. And some of the things can last for surprisingly long. No online store, unfortunately. No student discount (the prices are ridiculously cheap already).

Other interesting ones I have to mention:

 Oxford Street - hundreds of shops,the best place I've ever been shopping (yes, better than Miami for me!)
 Topshop - absolutely stylish and adorable clothes, unfortunately a bit overpriced...
 Zara - good quality products and classic pieces for your closet
 Pull and Bear - very good design and quality, modern clothes, reasonable

Monday, 30 May 2011

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Special article for those who 'love shopping' - wait, everyone does, right? ;)

   I just saw Confessions of a Shopaholic today (again) and it inspired me to write this article. And now I feel a bit like Rebecca. Because I'm definitely not the one who should tell you to shop wisely. But, I think I have a lot to say, because through the last year I went through the shopping mania and yeah, there is a few people calling me shoppaholic. Personaly, I don't think I am one - yes, I love shopping and it makes me really happy. I can spend hours in the shop just looking for the things and trying them on. Usually I buy myself a couple of things every week. It makes me confident. I love the feeling when I'm entering the shop and I see all the gorgeous clothes aroung me. I love the feeling when I see the thing and I know I really have to have it. I love the feeling when I buy it and take it home. 
   This year (starting by September) I changed my style completely. It was because of 2 reasons: 1.) I moved to England. Gosh, everyone is so stylish! I never saw so many people dressed that well as in London. (even people in Brighton were pretty amazing as well). Why? Because people just wear what they like and they don't care about others people opinion. 2.) The second reason is I had a lot of money to spend.

(About 10 months ago) Me and girls, just few weeks after we arrived to England. 
We just couldn't get enough shopping.

      But when I look back, I see a few mistakes I did. And when I realize it, I always think 'I wish I knew that before'. So I want to share this at least with you, to avoid the same mistakes as I did and shop wisely.

How to shop wisely?
1. Always ask yourself: "Do I really need this?" I know it sounds obvious, but don't you ever buy a thing you never wear, because you realize it's just not you. Or simply - you don't really like it.
2. "Do I have anything to match this thing with?" Simple one.
3. "Don't I have anything similar to this one?" Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I have about 4 blue cardigans and I wear just one, the favourite. Why would I wear the rest when they all look the same, anyway?
4. "It's cheap, but will I ever wear it?" First months, I was just buying everything in Primark, because it was ridiculously cheap. I can wear it once or twice for this price, right? Not.
5. "Sales". I'm not telling you should shop in the sales all the time, not at all. But you can save a huge amount of money if you wait few weeks for the thing you really want, but it's so ridiculously expensive. And sometimes you can find there amazing pieces.The same is with thrift stores, actually. You just have to search.
6. And finally the most important one, which I learnt just few months ago "Quality over quantity". And here I mean the real quality, not just overpriced shops with good looking, but non-quality items. It looks better and lasts longer. 

Please read this!!!
   Here is a clever example I read somewhere and it sticked to my mind. -- You can buy a cheap party top for 10£ and wear it twice. Or buy more expensive one for 30£, in which you will feel amazing and wear it at least ten times a year. Each time you wear the first, "cheaper" top it costs you 5£, each time you wear the better, "more expensive" top it costs you 3£. You get my point? :)

Sunday, 29 May 2011

What's in my bag? .)

Hello! :)
   Today's post is not going to be really original - the 'What do I have in my bag' thing was done by loads of bloggers already. But I hope you'll forgive me, because I did it kind of for my personal memory as well (as I'm going back to Czech just in 'few' days). 

Friday, 27 May 2011

And it was love on the first sight... ♥

Hey everyone,
   my friend and I went shopping today (I guess it's like 3rd time this week, 'cos we were shopping yesterday and two days before that as well.) I bought several things, but most important is the FIORELLI bag I absolutely love! The same second I saw it first time I knew I had to have it! :)
   When I bought it, I realized it's probably the first time I have a 'proper' handbag - by this, I mean it's branded (in this case for me H&M, New look, even Roxy etc. doesn't count). This is why it makes it even more special and it's a little secret I wanted to share with you.

('A byla to láska na první pohled... ♥)
   Dnes jsme šly s kamarádkou nakupovat (tenhle týden mimochodem už asi potřetí, protože jsme byly i včera a předtim 2 dny zpět). Koupila jsem si několik věcí, ale ze všeho nejdůležitější je FIORELLI kabelka do které jsem se okamžitě zamilovala! V momentu kdy jsem jí viděla tak mi bylo jasné že jí musim mít (prostě tam na mě čekala! ;)
   Když jsem si jí koupila, uvědomila jsem si, že je to vlastně asi poprvé co mám 'opravdovou' kabelku (a mezi ty v tomto případě nepočítám H&M, New Look, ani Roxy a podobně). Proto je pro mě ještě o něco důležitější a to je takové malé tajemství o které jsem se s vámi chtěla podělit. :)


Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Everyone has a secret..

Don't tell anyone I'm crazy! :D
Or maybe just addicted... ;)

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Pretty Little Liars

Hey ladies,
   I decided to create a post about my currently favourite series called 'Pretty little liars'. I'm sure most of you have already heard about it, as there is going to be second season soon! (14th June). I just finished first season yesterday (it took me just 3 days to watch the whole first season! It was like an addiction and I just couldn't stop, cos I still had to know what's next. In the end, I was a bit confused - I felt like I don't know anything again.... anyway, if you didn't see this yet, I can just recommend it!

   Rozhodla jsem se napsat o mém momentálně nejoblíbenějším seriálu 'Pretty little liars'. Myslím, že většina z vás už o něm slyšela, protože zanedlouho již bude druhá sezóna (konkrétně 14.června). Já jsem dokoukala tu první včera (trvalo mi to pouhé 3 dny zkouknout celou sérii a bylo to fakt jako závislost, kterou nešlo zastavit, protože jsem pořád musela vědět, co se stane dál. Nakonci jsem byla trochu zmatená - jako bych zase nevěděla nic.... nicméně, pokud jste tento seriál ještě neviděli, můžu jenom doporučit!

From left ; Spencer, Emily, Hanna and Aria

   A little bit of story: "It's summer and five friends is camping in the woods. When they wake up in the night, one of them is missing. The rest of the girls is trying to figure out what happened...."

   Kousek příběhu: "Je léto a pět kamarádek kempuje v lesích. Když se probudí uprostřed noci, jedna z nich chybí. Zbytek holek se snaží zjistit, co se stalo..."

   As many people said, it is like a "Teenage Desperate Housewives" and I think that's actually what describes it the best. And least but not the last (!) - some of girls outfits are stunning! 

   Jak řeklo mnoho lidí, je to jako "Zoufalé Manželky pro Teenagery" a já si myslím, že je to velmi výstižné. A v neposlední řadě se můžete také těšit na některé velmi povedené outfity dívek.

Spencer, Aria, Emily and Hanna

      But to be honest - when you really think about it, can possibly exist a deep friendship without sharing any secrets? And believe me, those girls don't share any, unless they really have to... I can't really believe it. 

   Ale popravdě - když se nad tím opravdu zamyslíte, je vůbec možné, aby existovalo hluboké přátelství bez toho, aby si přátelé mezi sebou sdělovali tajemství? A věřte mi, tyto dívky se nepodělí o žádné, dokud opravdu nemusí.... A v to já moc nevěřím.

Aria and Ezra

Ezra and Aria

Hanna and Caleb

Spencer and Toby

   And because it's teenage series, there is also a space for love. I think they found some really cute boys for this series - to be honest, I like all of those guys above. :D However my personal favourite is Toby.

   A protože je to seriál pro teenagery, je zde také místo pro lásku. Myslím si, že pro tento seriál se výběr velmi povedl - abych byla upřímná, z těch 3 nahoře se mi líbí snad všichni. :D Nicméně mým favoritem je Toby.
Are you watching Pretty Little Liars? 

Who is your favourite character/couple?

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Not so 'little' red hoodie

Hey guys,
   it was a challenging week. Mainly because it was the week with all deadlines and the last exams (I had the last - Design Tech - on Wednesday). It wasn't too bad after all, actually - I expected it to be so much worse... which I can't say about English exam I did last week - the writing and listening part was alright, but speaking was just a fail. Honestly, they couldn't have chose a better topic "talk for a several minutes about how to reach for equality of people.. wtf? I can't talk about that even in Czech...
   Today I finished my Photography sketchbook and that's probably end of english school for me. I have just about 12 days left before I go back to Czech (now I feel really sad about it... but on the other side, I can't wait!).
   We got our leavers hoodies yesterday - I ordered a cherry red one and ehmm "this colour" is what I got (my friends called it the "Baywatch red", haha ;). Anyway I started to like it during today. :) And it's really warm and cosy AND it's got my nickname on it!!! Priceless ;D

Ahoj lidi, 
   měla jsem náročný týden. Hlavně proto, že jsem musela dodělat tento týden vše do školy, včetně mojí poslední zkoušky - Design Technology, která byla ve středu. Popravdě jsem to čekala o dost horší... ale nechci to zakřiknout. To samé bohužel nemohu říct o zkoušce z angličtiny, kterou jsem měla minulý týden - poslechová a písemná část byla v pohodě, ale jak došlo na mluvení.... vybrali mi opravdu výborná témata v čele s například "mluvit několik minut o tom jak nastolit rovnost lidí"... wtf? Zrovna o tomhle bych nedokázala mluvit ani v češtině...
   Dneska jsem dokončila sketchbook z Photography a teď už mam od anglické školy snad klid. Už mi zbývá jen 12 dní než poletim zpátky do Česka (teď jsem z toho docela smutná... ale na druhou stranu už se moc těšim!). 
   Včera nám došly mikiny ze školy "pro odcházející" - já měla objednanou "cherry red" (barva tak trochu do fialova, o který vim že mi sluší) a místo toho mi došlo"tohleto" (kámoška to nazvala "červenou z Pobřežní hlídky, haha). Nicméně během dneška se mi začala docela líbit :) Hlavně je teplá a příjemná A má na sobě mojí přezdívku! K nezaplacení ;)

What I wore:
Red hoodie: Leavers hoodie (??)
Bow ring: Claire's
Nail polish: Rimmel 'Sky high' (my fav :)

And yes, I know my fringe is not straight! :D ;) x

What would you wear with a red hoodie?

Friday, 13 May 2011

'The Mushroom'

Morning everyone,
today I decided to upload photos of the lamp which I recently finished. It was my project on Design Technology for this year and it was the very first thing I have ever made (I mean, the 'proper' thing). All of us had to make a light and I have to say I'm quite proud of mine. The whole design is made like a mushroom - and of course I made everything on my own. :) I was inspired by Ross Lovegrove.

Rozhodla jsem se zveřejnit fotografie lampy, kterou jsem právě dokončila. Byla součástí mého projektu na 'Design Technology' pro tento rok (což je jeden z předmětů který v Anglii studuju). Byla to první věc kterou jsem kdy vyrobil (tím samozřejmě myslím 'doopravdový výrobek' ;). Všichni jsme měli jako zadání vyrobit lampu a musím říct že jsem se svým výsledek docela spokojená. Celý design je ve tvaru houby - a samozřejmě jsem vše dělala úplně sama. :)  Inspiroval mě designér Ross Lovegrove.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

My shoe collection ;)

Hey all,
   I don't have much time in last few weeks. But today I took a day off, because I have to pack my things, as I have too much to take back to Czech :-D so I have to sent some of my things by post. 
   And honestly, I was quite surprise how many shoes I've got. I don't think I'm a shoe-maniac (well, maybe every girl kind of is ;D), but I really prefer other parts of closet more. I decided to take a photo of every pair or single shoe and sort it out, so I will know better what types I've got. Maybe I'll start to use some of them more :)

   V posledních pár týdnech nemám moc čas. (Což je mi docela blbé říkat vzhledem k tomu, že tu mam 2-3 vyučovací hodiny denně). Nicméně jsem si dneska udělala volno abych si zabalila, protože za ten rok co jsem tady jsem udělala celkem dost nákupů :D (Anglie je prostě sen :) na nakupování maximálně doporučuju!). Takže se mi všechny ty hadříky nevcházejí do kufru a já musím poslat "pár" krabic poštou. No a když jsem byla u toho balení a třídění, tak mě napadlo, kolik tak můžu mít bot? A ve výsledku jsem překvapila sama sebe. Nemyslím si že jsem nějak zvláštně ujetá na boty, ale na druhou stranu se mi jich podařilo nashromáždit fakt docela dost. Rozhodla jsem se že je nafotím a vytřídím do skupin i proto, abych v nich měla větší přehled a třeba i pro inspiraci, co můžu s čím kombinovat. :) 

High heels

See all my collection!!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Good Morning Sunshine

         Delicious! My favourite treat at the moment! :)

No, this is not me! :D

Hey everyone :)
Last night I couldn't sleep - besides other things I have to solve - I felt so bad I didn't post on the blog for over a week! I promise there will be next post on the weekend. 
So I decided to upload these photos I took few days ago, when I went to the park with my friend. This is Alina - I have to admit I could have take better photo of her, haha.
To be very honest, apart from I'm really busy right now - today I got to finish my project from Design Tech and tomorrow I'm doing the english ESOL test - maybe I'm in love.... :) But the person is far, far away... well, let's see how everything is gonna end! Wish me luck! :) xxx 

Have a lovely, sunny day!