Monday, 30 May 2011

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Special article for those who 'love shopping' - wait, everyone does, right? ;)

   I just saw Confessions of a Shopaholic today (again) and it inspired me to write this article. And now I feel a bit like Rebecca. Because I'm definitely not the one who should tell you to shop wisely. But, I think I have a lot to say, because through the last year I went through the shopping mania and yeah, there is a few people calling me shoppaholic. Personaly, I don't think I am one - yes, I love shopping and it makes me really happy. I can spend hours in the shop just looking for the things and trying them on. Usually I buy myself a couple of things every week. It makes me confident. I love the feeling when I'm entering the shop and I see all the gorgeous clothes aroung me. I love the feeling when I see the thing and I know I really have to have it. I love the feeling when I buy it and take it home. 
   This year (starting by September) I changed my style completely. It was because of 2 reasons: 1.) I moved to England. Gosh, everyone is so stylish! I never saw so many people dressed that well as in London. (even people in Brighton were pretty amazing as well). Why? Because people just wear what they like and they don't care about others people opinion. 2.) The second reason is I had a lot of money to spend.

(About 10 months ago) Me and girls, just few weeks after we arrived to England. 
We just couldn't get enough shopping.

      But when I look back, I see a few mistakes I did. And when I realize it, I always think 'I wish I knew that before'. So I want to share this at least with you, to avoid the same mistakes as I did and shop wisely.

How to shop wisely?
1. Always ask yourself: "Do I really need this?" I know it sounds obvious, but don't you ever buy a thing you never wear, because you realize it's just not you. Or simply - you don't really like it.
2. "Do I have anything to match this thing with?" Simple one.
3. "Don't I have anything similar to this one?" Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I have about 4 blue cardigans and I wear just one, the favourite. Why would I wear the rest when they all look the same, anyway?
4. "It's cheap, but will I ever wear it?" First months, I was just buying everything in Primark, because it was ridiculously cheap. I can wear it once or twice for this price, right? Not.
5. "Sales". I'm not telling you should shop in the sales all the time, not at all. But you can save a huge amount of money if you wait few weeks for the thing you really want, but it's so ridiculously expensive. And sometimes you can find there amazing pieces.The same is with thrift stores, actually. You just have to search.
6. And finally the most important one, which I learnt just few months ago "Quality over quantity". And here I mean the real quality, not just overpriced shops with good looking, but non-quality items. It looks better and lasts longer. 

Please read this!!!
   Here is a clever example I read somewhere and it sticked to my mind. -- You can buy a cheap party top for 10£ and wear it twice. Or buy more expensive one for 30£, in which you will feel amazing and wear it at least ten times a year. Each time you wear the first, "cheaper" top it costs you 5£, each time you wear the better, "more expensive" top it costs you 3£. You get my point? :)


  1. Hi! You are adorable! I love that photo! And great post. it's so true that sometimes buying quality is better than quantity (at cheaper prices). Oh and I just watched that movie again too. Made me want to shop!
    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  2. and Nice example ! I'll try it !
