Friday 24 June 2011

Deers are such a lovely animals! ♥

   Tak opět, po delší době se hlásím :)
   Nechci se vymlouvat, ale mám toho fakt docela hodně. Učím se na zkoušky (za ten rok jsem na to ani nekoukla) a taky mě chtěj všichni po tom roce vidět ^^
   Jinak tohle jsou fotky ještě z Anglie :) Byly jsme s kamarádkou v parku, kde se chovají srnky a jsou ochočené :) Koupily jsme nějaké mrkve a ony k nám normálně šly :) Pro mě neuvěřitelnej zážitek asi na celej život :D :) 
   After a while, I'm back again :)
   I'm sorry about it, but I'm really busy these days :) I'm doing my exams for Czech school and I've also got some reunions with my friends (well, obviously everyone wants to see me after a year :)
   These photos are from England, when we went to a park with my friend. There were tamed deers just walking around us and when we gave them some carrots, they were running to us :) It was soo nice and it one of the things I'll remember forever :)

So lovely!:) Kiss kiss kiss

My face says: "I'm really excited!" :))

I want more memories like this! I didn't know I'll miss England this much :-/

Have a great weekend and take care!


  1. awhh I think about Bambi when I see tamed deers ! lol

    xoxo A.

  2. ty srnky jsou tak roztomilé. Máš dobrý svetr ;)

  3. nadherne fotky!!!!
