Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Winter post!

Hello! :)

   So finally, here's my first winter post :) Because as you can see, it's pretty cold already and I think the snow is about to come, so I bought some pretty warm clothes! :) Enjoyyy!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Harrods and M&M´s in London


How are you today? I will just post one short post today. My friend took those photos when we were in London 2 weeks ago (so it was quite a lovely weather back then, it wasn´t cold at all! I wish I could go back, because it´s freezing now here in Czech) :-P

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Hersmonceux Castle (visited Britain again, recently! :)

   Hello Ladies! :)

   Today there´s one outfit post I made in England ^^ These pictures have been taken when we visited Hersmonceux Castle (pheww, cant say that name! :D). Anyway, it´s really lovely place and it had an amazing atmosphere while we were there :) Check the pictures!

Sunday, 30 October 2011


I accepted my friend's offer and took some puctures with my best friend. Here's just a few photos I want to share with you :)

For the people from Czech: If you like those, I can make you an appointment with the girl who took this photos for a very good price. Just leave a comment! :)

Friday, 2 September 2011

Friday, Friday...

Hey! Sorry I chose the worst song ever as the title! ^^

So this was the second day at school and I'm already fed up!
I was wearing the new dress, shoes and the matching bag. I got to wear it a lot until it's still sunny and warm... even though I'm looking forward the autumn.. :)
Sorry for the quality :/ I did the obvious beginners mistake >.< taking photos against the sun... next time it's gonna be better! :)

Ricky (el perro negro): "So who do you love more, huh? Me, or the bag?" :D

I think he's gonna do modeling career. No doubts. ;)

Enjoy the weekend!!! (you deserve it ;)

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Fly-fly away

   Today's post is taken in Malaga airport (Spain). I want to show you mainly(!) the pink blazer I instantly fell in love with! It's from Stradivarious (amazing shop! Wish we had it in Czech...) 
   Funny fact: I took my mum to Starbucks for the first time :P
And I also finally bought myself Starbucks tumbler :) I'll show you in one of the next post's.

What I wore:
Tshirt: Bershka
Blazer: Stradivarious
Black jeans: Shana
Shoes: Peacocs
Black bag: New Look

Enjoy the last days of summer holiday!!!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Summer fun!

Hola chicas! 

 So this my few another photos from Spain - this time Granada. It's beautiful city and even I didn't have an opportunity to visit Alhambra (the tickets were already sold out), I really enjoyed it - the shopping especially, of course! :D

   The outfit is simple, but very comfortable and great for hot, Spanish weather!

What I wore:
Tshirt: New Look
Shorts: New Look
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
Trainers: Ed Hardy
Black bag: New Look

Hasta luego!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The only thing is hotter than spanish weather - spanish guys! ;)

¡Hola chicas!

The holiday is nearly finishing, but I hope you enjoyed your holiday at least as much as I did! The best oart was actually when I spent one month in Spain.. That was just awesome! I was never partying so much and trust me, that means something ;D
But enough talking and let me show you some photos!:)

I didn't post for a while and here's why - since I've got my iPad2, I never use the laptop, but I didn't have any app for blogging! Finally I've found an editor, it's called Bloggerplus and it costs about 2,40€, but it's totally worth it! ;)

All those photos are taken from my iPad, so I'm sorry for the quality (even I think it's not that bad :).
Next time, I promise I'll upload some photos of my outfits :) I was shopping a lot whole time I was in Spain, so I have lots of new clothes to show!

Enjoy the summer days as much as you can! Xoxo

Friday, 15 July 2011

Summer time :)

Hey girls! :)

    I didn't post anything for about a month now (I feel ashamed... not :). But I've got some news to share:

1. I got Bio-ionic straightenner for my 18th birthday and it's working perfectly! :) Would you like me to do some review about it? It's really magical.

2. I got an iPad2 for my birthday and it's magical as well... I don't thing you guys would be interested, but there is a few apps I really like and I could probably share with you? :)

3. I'm going to Spain this Sunday for a month (that means, hopefully, a lot of free time for blogging. :)

    These first two weeks I've been partying almost all the time... :)) And yesterday I saw the last Harry Potter. So sad!!! I was depressed whole today... it was whole my childhood and it just finished... anyway... :) 
   Here is just few photos from the last week - I've got a lot more, but it's not suitable for this blog, haha. :)


As most of the time of the holiday I spent out of the city, I'm trying to keep it simple - just a T-shirt and jeans, perfectly comfortable and not that bad looking. No original outfits this time... :)

The photos:

1. Frisco - favourite summer drink, when coctails are not avaible ;)
2. Thinking about.....
3. My friend and me with iPad (it's not an Apple cover, but I think it's
so much better than "smartcover from Apple"..
4. Me behind the rope (my friend trying to be artistic :P)

   I'm going to pack my stuff now. So lazy to do it! :D

How is your holiday, what did you do already and where are you going to go? :)

Saturday, 25 June 2011


   We're celebrating 50 followers! Thanks a lot and keep following! :)) 

If there are any more followers, I will do giveaway soon! :) 

Thanks everyone! 

I'll be glad for any tips how to make this blog better! :) xxx

Friday, 24 June 2011

Deers are such a lovely animals! ♥

   Tak opět, po delší době se hlásím :)
   Nechci se vymlouvat, ale mám toho fakt docela hodně. Učím se na zkoušky (za ten rok jsem na to ani nekoukla) a taky mě chtěj všichni po tom roce vidět ^^
   Jinak tohle jsou fotky ještě z Anglie :) Byly jsme s kamarádkou v parku, kde se chovají srnky a jsou ochočené :) Koupily jsme nějaké mrkve a ony k nám normálně šly :) Pro mě neuvěřitelnej zážitek asi na celej život :D :) 
   After a while, I'm back again :)
   I'm sorry about it, but I'm really busy these days :) I'm doing my exams for Czech school and I've also got some reunions with my friends (well, obviously everyone wants to see me after a year :)
   These photos are from England, when we went to a park with my friend. There were tamed deers just walking around us and when we gave them some carrots, they were running to us :) It was soo nice and it one of the things I'll remember forever :)

So lovely!:) Kiss kiss kiss

My face says: "I'm really excited!" :))

I want more memories like this! I didn't know I'll miss England this much :-/

Have a great weekend and take care!

Friday, 17 June 2011

The fondue set

   After a "few" years mum bought a fondue set I wanted for ages! :)

This reminds me - I really need your help! For years I'm looking for the film - There's a man and woman going to break-up (divorce possibly?!) and it's from the man's view. Every night after they break up he wakes on the same day as before. Like he can't move off that day. I think she doesn't know. Then he gets really desperate, once he even jumps out off the window, but he wakes up in the bed again (at the same day..). I guess there is a happy end, but I'm not sure. It's a comedy. (and it's not "Groundhog's day")

Oh, and the funny thing is: every time she tells him she wants that fondue set. In the beginning they arguing about it, then he doesn't care anymore and he even tells her before she asks for it "take the dammit fondue set with you" or something like that. Please please please, if you have a clue, write a comment! I would be really grateful! (It will be nice to read your comments even if you don't know the right answer ;)

   Prosím prosím o pomoc. Protože dneska tu mám fotky fondue (ano, máma po letech přemlouvání konečně koupila a zprovoznila fondovač, takže jsme měly sýrové fondue!) :). To mi připomíná, že jsem jednou viděla film a vůbec si nemůžu vzpomenout jak se jmenoval, ani kdo v něm hrál. V tom je právě ten problém že mám tak málo informací, přesto bych ráda kdyby jste mi dokázali poradit:

   Začínalo to tím že se chlap s ženou rozcházeli (rozváděli?). Bylo to myslím si z pohledu toho chlapa. Ale pokaždé co se rozešli se on probudil další ráno v ten samý den. Prostě se nemůže posunout dál. Jednou dokonce v zoufalství skočí z okna ale zase se probudí ráno v té posteli. Myslím si že nakonec to končí happyendem (pravděpodobně kdy si oba uvědoměj, že spolu mají zůstat), ale nejsem si jistá. Je to komedie. (A nejedná se o "Na hromnice o den více", ikdyž toto je hodně podobné).

   No a souvislost s fondue: Pokaždé když ta ženská chce odejít tak mu říká že si bere soupravu na fondue. On je zezačátku proti, ale pak už jí naopak sám od sebe říká něco jako "tak si tu zatracenou soupravu na fondue vezmi!".

   Kdo jako první pošle správnou odpověď, ten získá hodnotný dárek! :D (podle možností můžu třeba pozvat v Praze na kafe nebo tak něco... :D). A taky bude můj nejlepší kamarád!
Hodně to pro mě znamená. .)

Monday, 13 June 2011

18th birthday!

It's my birthday today!!! :)

   I wished the same as I wished on New Years Eve, falling stars night, Christmas, whenever I can make a wish.... and I really believe one day it will come true... maybe right now. :)

Přála jsem si to samé jako na Nový Rok, při noci padajících hvězd, na Vánoce, kdykoliv kdy si mohu něco přát... a opravdu věřím že jednou se to splní... možná právě teď. :)

My mum gave me a certificate, it says:"Gift certificate from Mum for Driving Lessons to Kačenka (me) for 18th Birthday".

Aneb máma se nechala inspirovat Slevomatem a darovala mi "voucher" na autoškolu. :)

I'm off for a dinner tonight! ^^

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Bits and pieces of the last week

Ahoooj! :) (that's czech "Hello!".)
   So this was my first week in Czech after a year. Such a difference! I still still didn't get used to it (but my czech gets better everyday, haha ;). From the beginning, my dad told my I've got an accent! Would you believe it?!! :D I also pronounced bad some of the letters... :D
   So here is a few pictures from the last week.

This is like the best lighter ever! It's a watch, it's glowing in the dark when you open it and when you light it up, the fire is green!! (I couldn't take a photo of it, so you just have to trust me!:P) It was supposed to be a present but now I really want to keep it! >D

Socks I bought for my Dad. Yeah, he did pay for me whole year in England and I brought him socks, lame, right? :D Well, it was the best I could get...

Afternoon at my friend's place. :D Good times. We wanted to play tennis and look what we found... :D I couldn't stop laughing. That racquet must have been in that shed for at least milion years!! :D

One of the photos was taken just before I left, another one was taken just after I returned from England. If your still on doubt - the blonde one is a year ago, the black one is recent one. It's two different people, isn't it?

My mum took me for a "girly day" for my birthday. First we went to hairdressers, the for a lunch to have Sushi (yummi! :), massage in the afternoon, we did some shopping as well, then we went for a coffee and it finished in the theatre in the evening. (great show by the way :) "Zamilovat se"... "Fall in Love"...)

And this is me and Rickey! :) Gosh, I missed him so much!! 

It's good to be home! ^^

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Kiss me, kiss me...

... say that you miss me...

   So it's been few days now I'm home. It's weird. I couldn't believe I'm coming home, after the whole year I spent in England. 
   I felt so incredibly sad. When I was sitting in the plane, my feelings were so bad - it was like 80% sadness of leaving my perfect, stress-free life and 20% fear of new beginning.
   I met my dad on the airport. We went for a nice breakfast and he took me home. I met the rest of my family there and we went to the nice dinner and to the cinema afterwards. It was really awkard. The second day was better. I had some quality sleep and I started to feel like home again. I met my best friend and it was really nice. The next day I went to school and met many of my friends. It was great to see all the familiar faces and people were glad to see me (although most of them couldn't recognize me - my hair just look too different!).

Something has to end for something new to begin.

You never know whether the new is better than old. You can only believe.

And if you truly believe, your wishes may come true.Just not always the way you expected.

Whoever you are and whatever you wish for, there's always a chance for better beginnings.

Everyone deserves a new start. You just have to believe!

What I wore:
Orange sweater: New Look
Black & White vintage scarf: New Look
Leggins: New look
Balet shoes: Peacocs
Black bag: New Look